Organization News

News and major stories from around our organization, Please check back often!

Zach Needs Your Help

He is a happy-go-lucky baby, despite his vision loss, unsteady gait and seizures; he never stops wagging his tail…[More]

Soldiers Story

Almost Home’s Training Wheels® volunteers are on the frontline in the battle against animal cruelty…[More]


JUSTICE FOR SOLDIER. Veleda Bailey’s arraignment date has been set for this Thursday, January 26th…[More]

A Forever Home for Almost Home

Almost Home is being forced to find a new location. In the past decade we have rescued over 3000 animals in addition to caring for over 500 animals…[More]

Almost Home In Danger

Almost Home Animal Rescue is in dire need of donations. We have lost our lease and have less than two months to secure another building! Without a facility…[More]